Property Sales, Leasing & Management

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Henselman Property Solutions Services

Investment Management +

Management services are customized to the needs of the client. Basis services include collection of rents and other income, payment of invoices and bills, leasing of spaces, preparing lease documents and other forms, securing bids and award of contracts for services, review and recommendations on insurance needs, monthly Profit & Loss reports, and monthly check register report and marketing of the property. Management services available:
  • Income – Collection of rental income, CAM collection and determination, services and other income billing with ability to provide for cash, check, direct deposit, debit card and credit card processing.
  • Bill payments – This includes reoccurring and non-reoccurring expenses. All payments are tracked to be made on a timely basis.
  • Vendors – Vendor selection with bid specification preparation, review and negotiations for contract work, along with ongoing review of all costs such as insurance, taxation reviews and contracts.
  • Tenants – Application processing, background and credit checks available, tenant selection, preparation of leases and other forms, move in and move out processing and monitoring of occupants.
  • Maintenance – In house and outside vendors available for 24 hour emergency response in a timely manner. Preparation of bid specifications, vendor selection with special rates and services from preferred vendors, creation and review of contract services for repairs, renovation or other property services.
  • Reports – customized individual reports with individual chart of account creation, monthly and annual Profit & Loss statements, ongoing check registers, maintenance and tenant reports.
  • Electronic Files – All reports, paid invoices, leases and documents are scanned or created for electronic storage. Other files include property information such as plans, reports, contracts and picture files are also maintained. All files are backed up to the cloud daily and annually backed up on a removable drive for offsite storage.

Commercial Leasing Services +

Our commercial leasing service is our proudest service. We include many services not included with other brokerage firms. Services include:

  • Location analysis, which may include change of use, changes of configuration or other changes to bring the highest market appeal and return for the investor/owner.
  • Market appeal: is the location using all advantages to represent the benefits of its location? How does the subject location compare with other locations being offered?
  • Rate analysis: How does the rental rate compare? How long is the location going to be on the market? What opportunities exist to increase the rental rate to maximize the return for the owner?
  • Cost analysis: What improvements are needed?       What are the costs to leasing the space?
  • Market Package creation: This includes site plans, floor plans, creation of the lease data sheet, photographs and movie tours and cover sheet.
  • Internet marketing: Which has to include keeping the location in the front of the customers in an internet search.       That includes regular updating to keep in the top of the list for Craig’s List, the placement on our open source web site and other internet sites as requested or needed.
  • Showings: This is where we excel. We know how to present your location to show it’s benefits, minimizes it’s limitations and get the customer to a point of writing an offer. Our approach is not to push, but to guide so the customer feels ready and has all the information to enter into discussions.
  • Offer creation: Here we assist the customer to present an offer that is one that we can recommend it’s acceptance.       Where that is not achieved, we are prepared with options or alternatives to create a win-win basis for preparation of a lease.
  • Lease preparation: Creating a long term relationship thru a lease, is one in which a clear and fair lease where a long term beneficial relationship between the parties is done. We can use your form, work with your legal representative, or use our standard leases. Over many years and with a wide range of locations, we have the basic lease documents, clauses and forms to prevent future misunderstandings or issues.
  • Renovations or remodeling: If as a part of the leasing of the space, we can provide an additional service of supervision or assistance with renovations needed for occupancy. This may include supervision of contractors and vendors.
  • Move in date: This is where we will create a video of the condition of the location and presentation of the space to the customer. We explain common area rules, regulations, assist with signage procedures and regulations and help the customer sign up for utilities and services needed.

Commercial Sale Services +

Our commercial Sales service is a unique partnership service in the valley. No one else works this way in our valley to insure that the customer gets the most visibility and results. Services include:

  • WE solicit and secure a partnership recognized firm and individual with extensive commercial sales and leasing experience. We send out RFP, ( Request For Proposal), form each of the major commercial sales companies in the Medford Market. We arrange for all tours and get the RFP for you to review and accept. So you are getting two firms working for you for the same price as one!
  • Location analysis, which may include change of use, changes of configuration or other changes to bring the highest market appeal and return for a new investor. This will assist in determining the hidden values of a project.
  • Market appeal: is the location using all advantages to represent the benefits of its location? How does the subject location compare with other locations being offered?
  • Rate analysis: How does the rental rate compare? How long is the location going to be on the market? What opportunities exist to increase the rental rate to maximize the return for a buyer?
  • Cost analysis: What improvements are needed?       What are the costs to Maximize the income and security of the project for a investor.?
  • Market Package creation: This includes site plans, floor plans, creation of the sales data sheet, photographs and movie tours and cover sheet.
  • Internet marketing: Which has to include keeping the location in the front of the customers in an internet search.       That includes regular updating to keep in the top of the list for Craig’s List, the placement on our open source web site and other internet sites as requested or needed.
  • Showings: This is where we excel. We know how to present your location to show it’s benefits, minimizes it’s limitations and get the customer to a point of writing an offer. Our approach is not to push, but to guide so the customer feels ready and has all the information to enter into discussions.
  • Offer creation: Here we assist the customer to present an offer that is one that we can recommend it’s acceptance, modification or rejection.
  • Walking through the entire purchase process, from start to close of escrow and the purchaser taking possession, we are there for you and with you.

Residential Leasing Services +

Our residential leasing service is one of our best services. Services include:

  • Market appeal: Is the location using all advantages to represent the benefits of its location? How does the subject location compare with other locations being offered?
  • Rate analysis: How does the rental rate compare? How long is the unit or home going to be on the market? What opportunities exist to increase the rental rate to maximize the return for the owner?
  • Cost analysis: What improvements are needed?       What are the costs to update the unit and is the time right to do that.
  • Market Package creation: This includes site plans, floor plans, creation of the lease data sheet, photographs and movie tours and cover sheet.
  • Internet marketing: Which has to include keeping the location in the front of the customers in an internet search.       That includes regular updating to keep in the top of the list for Craig’s List, the placement on our open source web site and other internet sites as requested or needed.
  • Showings: Our approach is not to push, but to guide so the resident feels ready and has all the information to complete an application.
  • Application review and background work: After an application is received with the application fee, then it is processed with a credit report, a eviction history report and a criminal activity report. These are done usually in one day. If the application still meets the criteria for acceptance, then calls are mode to secure other references and prior rental experiences.
  • Lease preparation: We have a standard rental agreement form, move in inspection form, lead paint declarations form and smoke/carbon monoxide detector form. We also prepare any rules and regulations and disclose them at this point if not done earlier and they sign an acceptance of the forms.

Move in date: This is where we will create a video of the condition of the location and presentation of the residence to the tenant. We explain common area rules, regulations, assist with explanation of how to operate appliances and systems and help the customer sign up for utilities or services needed.

Construction and Maintenance Services +

  • In house staff: We have on staff and with 24 hour service a person available to respond as needed for minor and major repairs. His name is Steve Rasmussen. Steve has over 40 years’ experience in construction, renovation and repair.       From small projects to large contract work, he can do it.
  • Vendors: HRM has a select list of vendors for every type of service. Our vendors provide us preferential service, so on a 100 deg. day and the ac goes out, our HVAC vendor is there. When the grounds need an emergency clean up on your project, our vendor will be there. When a tree blows down and is across the parking lot, our vendor will be there.
  • Bidding:       Whenever a project involves substantial cost, and our owners set that limit, we secure multiple bids to insure a competitive price. We will supervise and conduct inspections on the progress of the project and the final completion prior to payment of final invoices.
  • Historic Renovation: Our firm has supervised, consulted with or contracted on a number of historic renovation projects: The Sparta Building, The Davis Building, The Hoover-Cooper Building, The Warner Gore Building, and The Barnum Building, to name a few historic properties that are listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. We have experience with working thru a project from start to finish, involving historical designations, energy grants and tax credits, handicap tax credits and historic tax freezes.
  • Design, develop and build: From concept to completion, we have the experience and knowledge to walk a project thru all phases. Getting the owner the best for the money and the highest return on investment is what we strive for.